Welcome to HOOLIGAN’s Tech page! This is where you can find information about being involved in the crew for our shows, as well as general information about the crew itself. Crew members are just as vital to the success of the show as the cast, as they are heavily involved in the creative process and backstage workings of a performance. HOOLIGAN crews have lots of diversity in experience levels, and with 6 different departments with different responsibilities, there’s something for everyone to do. Whether you’re passionate about technical theatre or are looking for a way to be involved in a show without performing, tech crew is the right place for you!
Upcoming Opportunities
Unfortunately, tech crew opportunities for Winter Quarter have passed, but keep an eye out here and on our Instagram in Spring!
If you're interested in all things tech crew, please fill out our Tech Interest Survey for updates about future crew opportunities in HOOLIGAN. Filling out this survey is not a commitment — it will just let you know about any tech opportunities!
If you're interested in all things tech crew, please fill out our Tech Interest Survey for updates about future crew opportunities in HOOLIGAN. Filling out this survey is not a commitment — it will just let you know about any tech opportunities!
Who is Tech Crew?
Our shows would not be possible without our tech crew working behind the scenes to make our actors and sets look and sound great!
Technical designers and creative team members are typically more experienced in techie matters, and they are the leaders of their department for the show. Tech assistants can be total pros or total rookies - as long as you're enthusiastic, we'll be stoked to have you aboard! Every member of the tech and creative teams is crucial to making the show a success. After all, there is no small role!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the time commitment for crew members?
Your time commitment will differ depending on the department you choose to be a part of, as well as whether you are a designer or an assistant for your department. All members of tech are required to attend weekly production meetings with our Production Management department and the rest of the crew (approximately 1.5-2 hours per week), each department will have at least one meeting with the show’s director towards the beginning of the creative process (approximately 1 hour), and all members of crew are strongly encouraged to help with build (at least 4 hours towards the end of the quarter).
How does the time commitment differ between departments?
How often your department meets throughout the quarter will depend on the department as well as the show itself – for example, the costume department might have a couple of thrift shopping sessions throughout the quarter, or the scenic department might have planning meetings and will be actively involved in a few days of build, but depending on the complexity of the show’s costumes or set, they may meet more or less often. All members of tech must be present for tech week (every night the week before shows) and shows.
Does the time commitment differ between designers and assistants?
Designers should expect more of a time commitment than assistants. As you will be the primary person in charge of making plans for your department, you will be expected to have certain tasks done at certain times and you will be the primary point of contact for the show’s directors and our Production Management team.
Do you need to have experience to be on tech team?
Designers are usually expected to have some direct or related experience in their area of choice, but assistants are welcome regardless of experience level. All that’s required is a good work ethic and a willingness to learn!
HOOLIGAN Theatre Company
PO Box 24943, Los Angeles, CA 90024 |