Well, old chums, we have gracefully lowered the curtains on our first productions of the year! Congratulations to all of the brilliant performers and creative teams that made Cabaret and One Acts Festival come to life. And of course- thank you to all of the fantastic audiences we had the pleasure of entertaining! We cannot thank you enough for your overwhelming support and appreciation this quarter, and we cannot wait for you to see what we have in store for Winter!
Winter Rep is going to be incredibly exciting, with HOOLIGAN Theatre Company's productions of The Little Mermaid and Sister Act, both iconic musicals in their own rights. Stay tuned for news regarding auditions, tech and executive interviews. Winter Rep is no-cut and a great opportunity for you to join us, we would love to have you involved! And that's not even the end of it- also coming up we have 24 Hour Musical in collaboration with Act III Theatre Ensemble. This event challenges students to put on an entire musical in only 24 hours and it's all for a good cause- to raise money for No Limits, an organization that teaches deaf and hard of hearing children how to speak, using theatre to build their confidence. If you would like to get involved, make sure to check out our application form here. Happy Holidays to all, and we will see you very soon for another splendid quarter!
May 2021